Tuesday, November 30, 2010


The fake criterion edition of Inception got me looking around the interwebz for more unauthentic criterion covers. I felt the need to share:

You should probably also watch those three movies.
A lot more can be found in this forum


My last three posts all featured pictures of cats, my bad, that's pretty weird. Anyways, tomorrow I'll post some pictures and video clips from a little SF trip some dudes and I took last friday, but for now I just have some random stuff I want to get out there.

First off, I re-edited some Shane O'Neill footage. Not sure why, but it was pretty fun. The song, Sweet Disposition by Temper Trap, can be downloaded here. You can also peep the raw footage I used for this here. Thanks a lot for uploading it Shane guy.

The second order of business is wishing loyal reader August a successful surgery and speedy recovery

Here we see an also handicapped Mitchell staring at Augie's cast in disgust, while in the backround Randall is eating.

Lastly, I'd like to give a shout out to my boy Chris Nolan for his latest film, Inception. Just saw this for the first time since July today, and hot damn it goes straight back to one of my favorites.
Time by Hans Zimmer (Inception soundtrack)
download it here

Monday, November 29, 2010

repping november

Happy birthday Mobes
Happy late birthday Randall
Happy really late birthday me

Now that November is over shit just got real.
December 1st you can expect a big fat post complete with video, pictures, and those wacky captions you all live for. (all three of you)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving to my 3 loyal readers

like eggs

And you thought Photobooth was reserved for your x-ray vision myspace profile picture...

Disorder by Joy Division
download it here

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

S.O.T.Y. 2010

"Skater Of The Year; the only award that matters." That quote is, in many ways, true. Nobody gives a fuck who Transworld names off at their academy awards of skateboarding, all we care about is what some forty-something year old SF crackhead says about who ripped it the hardest this year. Your votes don't matter, it's not really about skating, and it really just says who got the most Thrasher approved coverage over the year. Even after realizing this, everybody, including myself, still takes SOTY as the law, the truth, and the most legitimate award in skating. This year I had a few dudes I was rooting for, so I'll run through those real quick before I talk about the winner.

Dylan Reider:
Between his controversial pretty boy swag and being featured in one of the most ridiculous Epicly Later'd episodes of all time, this guy could probably win most talked about skater this year by a landslide. But on August 11, 2010, Dylan shifted all the attention on him from his pretty dress shoe pro model to arguably the best video part of the year.

Overall coverage (that I can think of):

Footage of all of these covers and all the ads I forgot are in Dylan.

No Thrasher covers and no appearances in any big skate productions made me not really consider Dylan to be a realistic SOTY choice. Maybe next time...

Andrew Reynolds:
After Chris Cole got his second SOTY last year, I felt like Andrew had a good chance at this one. Stay Gold was the best video of the year and yur boi Andrew Reynolds put out a part that proves 20 years of hard impact doesn't change much. His part in Stay Gold was the tear jerker, the ender ender, and the gender bender. The music, the big skating, and the no filler editing that Jon Miner took to it created one of my favorite video parts of all time.

Overall coverage (that I can think of):
Footage of all of these tricks can be found in Stay Gold, the latest Emerica video (sorry, no link)

With two amazing covers in the part year, a top notch video part, and a history of being down with the mag, I saw Reynolds as having a pretty good chance of taking SOTY 2010. But alas...

Leo Romero:
"That guy who grinds up rails". Leo had two great parts this year and a style of skating not to be fucked with. His covers stand out because of innovation and the near death skating situations he puts himself in. At the bottom of it all I suppose that's the main thing we look for in the best skater, "shit that makes you go, woah". His mix of thrill seeking and talent make him a Thrasher favorite, and with two solid full video parts (Stay Gold and Brainwash), Leo was obviously a SOTY contender.

Overall coverage (that I can think of):
-Plenty of ads I'm not going to search out (Emerica ad where he hits his face comes to mind)
The footage of the Skateboarder cover is in Stay Gold and the Thrasher cover is in Brainwash
(a Toy Machine production)

It helps that Leo is buds with the Phelper and has a dirty mustache, but he also skates rails like no other and kills everything else as well (see back nose grind nollie bigspin heel in Stay Gold).

As many people expected, Leo Romero took Skater Of The Year 2010 like a champ. For any award like this I can always think of people I would rather have seen won, but Leo without a doubt deserves his SOTY, so congratulations to him.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


One of my all time favorites. Download it here

if you like skating, check heath's tribute at the emerica site

Between this and Breaking Bad, AMC is running shit right now

That is all
Maybe expect some skate stuff soon

Pee is crazy, man

Monday, November 15, 2010

twit for tat

The Sun Was High (So Was I) by Best Coast
download here

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rom and Tiggy

The legendary Nicky Morrow got a fresh D90 from his uncle, so I used it to document our eventful Saturday evening.

The song in that video is off of this album:
download here

Friday, November 12, 2010

Veterans Day Break

Had a pretty rad veterans day and I took a shitload of photos, take a look y'all.

Wednesday night ride with da bois

BK break

honestly one of the largest sandwiches I have ever seen

It's not a good time until someone eats shit. I had the priviledge of being the shit eater that night, and I gotta say, it was loads of fun. I actually was so disgusted by the quick glimpse I got of the cut that I only really saw what happened to it when Randall took this picture, call me a pussy, call me god, call me what you will.

"Emerychill, brah"

Cr3W pIC

There was a fire, but being model citizens, we quickly put it out

The air tasted like vinegar

Got up bright and early the next morning for a skate trip

long car ride

It wasn't officially a birthday session, but Ari came through with a gift. I was actually really stoked on this, thanks a lot Ari!

In N' Out after a long drive to SJ


One more park to go

By the end of the day dudes were pretty over being stuck in a car

Here's some of the actual skating that went down. I lol'd at the thumbnail

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Moar Random

Hmmm, what is that above the urinal?


Randall is the lord of photos and also has a sweet blog going on at Still Kids

Now kick back and listen to this slow jam, you deserve it, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise.

Band Dragon

A week ago yesterday...
that's a stoke

It's only appropriate the song of the post be black and orange, as corny as it may be.
download it here

Saturday, November 6, 2010

we really do skate sometimes

Went on an epic journey to skate the hottest new spot up in cal tonight; hilarity ensued. By the end of the night we were rolling 16 deep, dudes got tricks, dudes broke bones, and fun was had by all. Here are some cell phone photos to show the boys back home what went down on this fateful November night:

Nick was present physically and spiritually
Always an entertaining guy to skate with
My attempt at a photo of Yung Randy's snaps. I think he's the blur above the rail
Luckily Luigi was there to get the legit shots
Augie showed up a little later, the spot was quickly shut down
Gabe testing how hard the ground is
Side Story: Mitchell used to skate, so whenever he's out with the 5kat3R 5Quad we always convince him to throw down like the days of old.

Mitchell, being a stand-up guy, got buck on the spot, but he went down and someway or another ended up breaking his foot.

But hey, Gabe won a teddy bear, so it was cool.

This song:

Christmas hype, download it here

The live version's pretty cool too: