Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spring Beek Throwback

Augie jumps to the manny pad.

Marcus 50-50's

Ricky goes in backwards.

No pictures from Scotts Valley, so we shall continue to Ben Lommond.

Luigi, Ricky, Ari, and Moby. Super nice weather for lounging around at an empty skatepark.

The end.

The video work is pretty bad, but hopefully it conveys that fun was had. Honestly, this was probably the funnest day of skating I've had in well over a year, two years, hundred million years.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Music called, I answered. Para La Scrilla.
Download link is on the player

Monday, April 18, 2011

Spot Check: El Sob Ditch

(Click for larger images)

Massive snake run out in the boonies

Had to catwalk to the top

Would be a cool hill bomb if there wasn't a cliff at the bottom

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Phone Break

Ari at In N' Out (secret photoshoot)

Stuff you find in Andrew's back yard.

The Plymouth's transition into ultimate showcar.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


CVS' printer is broken and I'm waiting to post until I can include both pictures and video(of Sunday), so for now I got nothing. Hell, my computer doesn't even recognize that I have external hard drives(where the footage is), so who knows when new material will be posted.
In other news:

Tyler Bledsoe
Vincent Alvarez
Shane O’Neill

Plan B
Toy Machine

Andrew Reynolds, Stay Gold
Dylan Rieder, Gravis
Brandon Westgate, Stay Gold

Brandon Westgate
Torey Pudwill
Silas Baxter-Neal

Lance Mountain
Grant Taylor
Taylor Bingaman

Brain Wash
Stay Gold

Not Another Transworld Awards. Lol get it?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring Beek

Day 1 of Augie's birthday weekend. We spent the first half on the wrong side of the tracks. The warehouse, discovered by Ari and Augie, was super gnarly (smelly, scary, dirty), but it yielded some of my favorite pictures I've taken.

Exploring one of the back rooms

Randall was getting his 35mm on. Hopefully those will pop up sooner or later

I dropped off the camera before we left to BBQ at park, so Randall has all of the coverage on that.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Attention Parents

Ari is a bully and wants your children to do meth.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Thrwwy Tage

Midwinter break skating for the most part. Some super fun days that didn't end up looking so hot on camera. Figured this footage wouldn't be used anywhere else, so to the Stoke it goes.

Cell Phone Update

Texting at the dinner table

Sad burger

Happy burger

Mattress session in the a.m.

New board means new grip art to regret

Ari shredding. Even at legit spots the box makes an appearance
