Tuesday, August 30, 2011


EDIT: My parents took these like seven years ago, I do not have a dog


Some family vacation pictures

The Rock Man

You don't fuck with bears dude


NSWS (never seen with socks) not never

Lame edit, but this is me on a rock


This was uncomfortable

Monday, August 29, 2011

Les Randoms

First off, I think it's pretty cool that Tyler, The Creator won a VMA last night, so I have the link to that if you didn't see it.

Second, if you want to go see Moby's latest internet interests, look no further than his new blog, The Rug Doctor Lives .

and here's some more pictures

Lusquini with Marc Miller's new sub

Water treated film...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


The Summer Summary begins today with the first batch of film

Highway 1 in Stinson

Beach Brahs

The Luge

Benicia skatepark and the surrounding hills

In said surrounding hills

If this canoe didn't flip, I wouldn't be able to say I had a fun summer

I'll upload a ton more later, these are just the ones I spent time cleaning.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Here's some footage you've already seen in different context

Also, check out B's beach coverage on his blog. Solid pictures and you can see me killing the skim board game.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm So Sorry

that I posted this

Working on a lot of summer wrap up stuff right now. Digi-cam edit, a montage, 3 rolls of film, and a music video all may or may not be posted.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Teh Shoutsouts

Stoke affiliate Elad Magidish got a sick sequence on Slap via Hyphy Steve. Check it out

EDIT: I hate gifs

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Update, it's August

On Wednesday a lake trip from hell consumed Ari's shirt, my Olympus XA2, and a roll of film filled with the sweetest of pics. For that we mourn, but moving on, here's some digitals from Moby's trip to Chad's Studio Emporium.

Taylor Gang* exclusive.

More gang signs/grain

Wait, could it be?

Yes, Elvish blades

*The Stoke does not in any way condone the music and/or behavior of Wiz Khalifa or one Mac Miller.