Wednesday, December 1, 2010


While you were probably out getting your new Visio flatscreen with a 30% price cut (diss), The Stoke was celebrating the national holiday with a trip to the city of San Frachesca. Mission objective was a skate journey of epic proportions with Rom, Gabe, Ari, Luigi, Tyler, Will, and myself. Good times were achieved, dreams were broken, and much much more in our 4.3 mile loop de doo we took through da yay area capital.

egg salad Augie
Christmas time began as we arrived

Library session

Rom's third new board in something like three years of skating

Stumbled upon this cool little stair spot

Ended the day at Pier 7

The downside of wooden ledges

Candid crew pic

All the filming is done by me/Jabe with Gabe's Iphone 4
Skaters featured (in order) include: Rom, Peter, Gabe, and Augie with a Will sighting around a minute in.

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